The Team Performance Loop

"The six elements of the Team Performance Loop are not separate from each other.
They affect each other, both positively and negatively."

      The Team Performance Loop is lemniscate of the six elements Purpose, Bonding, Safety, Addressing, Questioning and Reflection. Each element has an upper and an undercurrent element.

      Therefore, each component has an impact on one or more other components. Example: if you have a very good bond with one of your team members, this can have the effect that we are too sweet to each other on the part of addressing and reflection. It can also cause another team member to feel unsafe because you are seen as four hands in one, with the result that the other team member no longer dares to speak openly or feels like the third wheel on the wagon in terms of bonding. Be aware of these dynamics in the collaboration and the impact it has on the team result to be achieved.

      On the main line, it can be said that:

      1) if there is no clear goal you create chaos;

      2) if you have no real bonding artificial harmony arises;

      3) if it's not safe you foster a culture of fear;

      4) if you do not hold each other accountable for agreements and behavior the comfort zone remains leading;

      5) if we do not ask each other open questions without judgment and solution innovation fails;

      6) and if we do not allow each other to reflect stagnation will be the result.

      If you would like to hear our vision for developing team performance and learn more about how the elements interact, watch the video below or feel free to contact Twan. He can be reached at [email protected] or by phone at 06 - 2949 5122.

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