Frank campman, partner wial nederland

Frank Campman


From a specialist role, Frank once became a team leader and continued to develop as a manager, director and administrator. The common thread throughout all these years has been his passion for supporting and coaching people in their development and mutual communication and to help teams grow to high performance.

Frank wants to make a contribution that people feel heard, that wisdom is extracted from the team, that people enjoy participating in a team more because they have developed the skill to do so and secure it, and that all this leads to an improved and more relevant team result and organizational contribution. That is what drives him!

Frank is an action learner at heart. Not only did he complete the Action Learning MBA in 2002 with distinction, but he also served as Managing Director of Action Learning Business School Netherlands and CEO of Action Learning Business School Netherlands International. Frank is a certified Professional Action Learning Coach and has guided many teams and organizations in their professional development. Both on content and on behavior and team process. And has been a member of the Global WIAL board.


Within WIAL Netherlands, Frank is Managing Director, Program Manager and Quartermaster of client Community of Practice programs. In addition, Frank is Senior Action Learning Coach within various programs and action learning courses.